First of all, apologies are in order for not updating this for a long time and for the long absence

Due to circustances outside my power i was not able to update the blog for quit some time but i expect to be "back on the horse" soon.

Its not over, its not the end, its not forgotten.

And no...Aussie and Kelvin you are not the only ones here...lol

See you all soon.

49 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Glad to hear from you mate, I was getting a little worried.

I'm looking forward to see you riding the horse again.


Anónimo disse...

It's ok, we all have problems, this tuesday I almost had my first faint of my life.


Anónimo disse...

Hey, where is that forum that we download the game? I've format my PC and I can't wait anymore!!!

Everywhere I go I just find the update from 6.1 to 6.2 instead of the full thing, thanks.


Anónimo disse...



Anónimo disse...

mmm brains.


Anónimo disse...

Welcome back to your blog TugaJaden.

Zatuzim is pretty good signed up a few weeks ago.

Spanners Watson

Anónimo disse...

@Spanners Watson

I've been going through the posts but by any chance have you seen an info on regards to the next update.


Anónimo disse...

No I haven't seen any info on the next update, Hopefully it's soon and not months away.

Anónimo disse...

Awesome, I hope they find a way to use the rooms for pose editor like I was reading, would make poses a lot easier.


Anónimo disse...


Shit, for now I can't play anything on my PC. My older one is fucked up and this one I'm using is just for the internet, because it's a complete shit.

I've already prepared a good config. for my new PC, but I think I'll buy it next year (I don't have the money now). It's a pain in the ass.


Anónimo disse...

Question does anyone know where i can find the content importer it might fix some of my content glitches



Anónimo disse...


It should be in the same folder as Play The Klub 17.exe, But I've installed the game as portable so I don't know if it's in the same spot.

Spanners Watson

Anónimo disse...

@Spanners Watson

Thanks, I felt like kind of an idiot for asking, but as they say never hurts ask.

Thanks again.


Anónimo disse...

Version 6.3 update is out and the full installer will come out later.

Spanners Watson

Anónimo disse...


UPDATE V6.3 (From V6.2)

Anónimo disse...

@Spanners Watson

Thanks for the heads up.


Anónimo disse...

Anon was me I just forgot to add the links, To eager to try it out.

Spanners Watson

Anónimo disse...

Ha Ha Ha


Anónimo disse...

Hey People Thought I Would Say Hi.


Anónimo disse...

Hey Tj any news on another update or has life taken hold of you.


Anónimo disse...


Are you the Aussie on http://tk17.adultforumhost.com ?

Spanners Watson

Anónimo disse...

Hey guys, do you know any other artists sites such as our friend TJ and possessive-pose?


Anónimo disse...

@Spanners Watson

That would be correct.


Anónimo disse...

Hey TJ it's been months man, where you hiding.


Anónimo disse...

Hi, there
Very nice blog


Anónimo disse...


Leopoldbloom1904 Don't go away, be our friends (we are few).


Anónimo disse...

I agree please do stay Leopoldbloom1904.

(Acting creepy) LOL


Nice to hear from you again, I thought I was the only one, don't tell me you've gone all zombie too?


Anónimo disse...

Course not! My friend is still in Super Sayan Mode, even though I can't play the game yet, I'm doing what I can with movies and hentai (my precious).


Anónimo disse...


check out pornbb then click the hentai tab, got some good stuff.


Anónimo disse...

Geez someone say something.


Anónimo disse...

Just a heads up visit this website


And it will give you access to custom pose rooms


Anónimo disse...

Also visit: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/forumdisplay.php?f=204

Spanners Watson

Anónimo disse...

Is anyone else on that forum mentioned by Spanners Watson?

Anónimo disse...

Hey people, I don't know if any of you will read this but I've made my own Video have a look at it here:


@TJ I dedicate this first video to you, if it weren't for your help this might never have happened.

Hope to here from you soon.



Anónimo disse...


I sent you a PM answering this request: http://tk17.adultforumhost.com/463123.html#1625994

Did you get it?



Anónimo disse...

Anything new about The Klub 17? No new version released?


Anónimo disse...


yeah got it, haven't been to the forums for a while, it seems to be only me when I visit, I thought the place might have been dead with all the inactivity.


Thrixxx has just released a trailer for the new 3d sexvilla 3 so by the looks of it, either they are waiting for that to be released or have vanished, two new updates have been released for the org game one containing a strip club and the other a 1001 nights style theme, I've been using an alt called Booster Mod, it more or less the same thing, but some of the options are amazing, plus it's get updated quite often, if you are interested I will post the links.


Anónimo disse...


This Booster Mod I only found in torrents and with White Rabbit, is that correct? The last version I was able to found was 120. But I have a question for updates, since it's in a torrent page, it's not always updated "officially", we have to "search" for the updates? That's not a problem or annoyance at all, I just want to know if they have a club, a site where they officially put their threads. And I'm not playing the game for so long since I'm still with my fucking shitty computer. Thanks for any info.


Anónimo disse...


Someone keeps deleting my posts, I've posted 2 messages so far.

Do a search for ulmf in google, look for a user by the name of beatle, they have v0.8, but to get them you're going to have to join and send them a person request for them, it's free to join the forum, hopefully this one doesn't get deleted as well.

F@*king annoying.


Anónimo disse...


Oh, I'm already registered to that forum, I just wasn't active. Thank you for letting me know, now I can see the updates really well and not in russian :). Thank You!


Anónimo disse...


Your welcome, when I get time I might start posting stuff there myself.


Anónimo disse...

@Aussie & Kelvin

Good to see you're still around.


Here is my latest model.

Spanners Watson

Anónimo disse...

@Spanners Watson

It's good to hear from you too, I'm going by the name NightFall these days, even have my own video, if you want to have a look I posted a link on one of my previous posts.

I've been coming here for months, thought I was the only one, almost left, keep in touch.


NightFall (Formerly Aussie).

Anónimo disse...

@Spanners Watson

I searched through ulmf's members list and can't find you guys?

By the way beatle has a new update.


Anónimo disse...

I'm YonniFunders on ulmf.

Spanners Watson

Anónimo disse...


My nickname there is k3lvin.


Qweasdba disse...

Hey Tuga! How are you? I've finded your blog and I really like it! But, I think that all the downloads are died now right? There's a way to donwload your content? Thanks!!

NightFall disse...


We haven't heard hide or hair of TJ for months, I'm currently uploading all of the vids to mediafire, but it's going to take a while. 1.85GB worth of videos.

Anónimo disse...


Here are the links for all of TJ vids, Hopeful the powers that be don't delete this post.

